Scalar Energy Massage Pen

RM199.00 / Pcs

1. 散发自信活力十足的神采
2. 提升人体波动能量磁场
3. 它可促进血液循环,加速新陈代谢
4. 对外来有害的磁场形成一道防护墙
5. 抗老化及抑制自由基
6. 皮肤肌理及色泽更加白晰
7. 促进体内血液氧气供应量
8. 促进体内有效排毒
9. 体能及精神警戒性大幅度提高
10. 调整人体磁场,有效提防基因受损
11. 增加细胞体之表面张度,如是加速细胞的吸收功能
12. 有抗压宁神功效,松弛压力

Benefits of Scalar Energy Massage Pen
1. Eliminates the negative effects level of man-made frequencies/radioactive
2. Increasing every cell energy level to 70-90 mini volts
3. Relive fatigue, tiredness and stress
4. Protect cell’s DNA from damage
5. Enhance detoxification and nutrient uptake process
6. Strengthens body immune system
7. Cleanses the blood and improves blood profile
8. Improves mental focus and helps to regulate bloods pressure
9. Strengthens immune function up to 149%
10. Exerts anti-depression effects by inhibiting the reuptake of noradrenalin
11. Prevents or reverses cancer cells